Champeta was born out of the slums of Cartagena on Colombia’s Atlantic coast, home of many stricken by poverty and displaced by violence from around the country. But now Champeta is a cultural phenomenon that has grown out of the slums and has become popular across the country. It was named after the champeta knife, often associated with poverty and crime.
While earlier Champeta music, such as that of Charles King and his most famous song El Chocho, is slightly slower with heavier reggae influences, some more recent Champeta is a whirlwind of drums, electric guitar, and keyboard, with moves so fast that you can’t even keep up!
The Bazurto Social Club: the ultimate place to dance Champeta
Offers fun group Champeta classes. No Spanish needed to follow!
Avenida del centenario Carrera 9 # 30-42
Cartagena, Bolivar 130001
Tel. +57 317 6481183